Horticultural Vermiculite (coarse) – 1cf bag


Availability: In stock

SKU: VERM1CF Category:

Coarse Horticultural Vermiculite for sale – Pick up at our farm

Vermiculite increases the friability of soil, making it easier for roots to grow. Add to potting mix and garden beds to improve aeration while retaining moisture and nutrients. Horticultural vermiculite is a natural puffed mineral approved for organic gardening. It’s an essential component of ‘Mel’s Mix’ in Square Foot Gardening (1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 peat moss, and 1/3 compost). 1 cubic foot lightens a 2’x4′ section of garden bed (6″ deep). Sold in 1 cubic foot bags.

We do not ship plants or products. All items must be picked up at our farm in central NY.

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