DeerOut – Deer Repellent Spray


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DeerOut Deer Repellent spray for sale – Pick up at our farm

Got deer? No problem! This long-lasting spray repels deer for up to 3 months from a single application. DeerOut won’t wash off in rain like other repellents. Strong peppermint oil scent is overpowering to the sensitive nose of deer, but smells refreshing to humans. Rated for organic use and is safe to use on fruit, herb, flower, and vegetable plants. Produced in Virginia, “deer capital of the US”. It’s the only thing that protected our young apple trees. Re-spray actively growing plants periodically to protect growing tips. This stuff works! 100% money back guarantee. Sold in 40 oz. bottles. Click to view Deer-Resistant plants

Got rabbits or woodchucks? We recommend Rabbit & Groundhog Out spray.

We do not ship plants or products. All items must be picked up at our farm in central NY.

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