Espoma Grow! Liquid Fertilizer – 16 oz


Availability: In stock

SKU: ES-GROW Category:

Espoma Grow! Liquid Fertilizer for sale – Pick up at our farm

Grow beautiful blooms on healthy, robust plants! Full-spectrum liquid feed that contains beneficial microbes, kelp extract, and humic acid for superior results. These ingredients create a living ecosystem in the root zone more like natural soil, instead of an inert substrate. Great for planters, hanging baskets, houseplants, flowers, herbs, and veggies.  At planting, dig in some Plant-tone for base nutrition, then water with Espoma Grow during the summer. Mix 1/2 cap (2 tsp) of liquid concentrate with 1 quart of water to feed instantly. Fertilize every 2-4 weeks. Click for Fact Sheet. (We also carry Espoma Tomato Liquid Fertilizer)

  • 100% Natural & Organic
  • Ultimate all-purpose plant food
  • Trace nutrients and beneficial microbes
  • Safe for people, pets, and the environment
  • 2-2-2 NPK ratio

We do not ship plants or products. All items must be picked up at our farm in central NY.


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